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Christmas Week Menu Plan December 19, 2011

Filed under: cookery — urbanpermie @ 1:29 pm
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AAAAARGH!! How is it the week before Christmas? And who decided to make nice little gifts to go with bought presents while taking care of a teething 7 month old?? He’s got at least 3 teeth coming through simultaneously and I have a sneaking suspicion there’s more lurking. Teeth lurk, you know. So, this week’s menu is mainly Christmas gift related, and it seems I’m having a Very Tenina Christmas this year with the amount of recipes by her!


Gifts: Dried Apricot Preserves, Strawberry Vanilla Jam, EDC Marmalade, EDC Dukkha, Flavoured Salts (fennel, olive citrus, chilli lime, saffron, vanilla), Cookies and Cream Fudge.

Lunch: HAHAHA like there was time for lunch

Dinner: Lamb with olive and citrus rub and leftovers of the most awesome salad in the world


Gifts: Hot Chocolate, EDC Chocolate Hazelnut Spread, Spelt and Rosemary Crackers

Lunch: sandwiches

Dinner: EDC pasta, probably involving bacon


Lunch: out!

Dinner: zucchini slice


Lunch: zucchini slice

Dinner: Asian style fish fillets (EDC)


Gifts: almond chop chip biscuits, cranberry and choc chip biscuits, orange shortbread, pomegranate molasses biscuits

Lunch: probably biscuits to be honest 😉

Dinner: Prozac


Baking: Fruity pear mince tarts

Can’t think about eating anything. Oh all right maybe one mince pie


Christmas! We’re having a big combined lunch at my mum’s house, with my partner’s family coming up from the country to join us for Squidlet’s first Christmas. We’re a cold meat and salad kind of family, but last year we had roasts on the bbq with salads because I was pregnant and couldn’t have cold meats. We liked it so much we’re doing it again! The in-laws are providing some organic, free range, couldn’t-have-had-a-better-life lamb from their farm, as well as eggs etc.  We’re taking salads to mum’s for lunch – that standby fruity harvest salad and a caesar salad using EDC dressing and the pear mince tarts. My brother will probably make his famous potato salad with basil and char grilled capsicum and there will probably be an Amanda’s salad, which is an in-joke. My mum is making her famous icecream cake with raspberry coulis. We’ve had this at Christmas for the last few years and mum puts in varying layers of whatever she feels like, but it’s always delicious! Cream, nuts, cherries, icecream, custard, choc chips…yuuum. Oh, and my Nanny is bringing a trifle, as usual. I think the thing I love about Christmas is the tradition. It doesn’t have to be stuffy, old style carols and trimming the tree together. In our house, it’s our favourite foods, the same people (with new additions!), the same old in-jokes that we laugh at every single year. Oh and then there’s a few games of ‘Gilchrist Tennis’ which my brother and I invented a few years ago. It’s just playing totem tennis while seated, because we were too full to get up and play 🙂 If the ball hits your hand then you both have to drop the bats and play with your feet. My nephew scores in the most fluid way possible and only he knows the rules 🙂 I guess you had to be there to understand, and we will be there again in a few days.

Merry Christmas!



3 Responses to “Christmas Week Menu Plan”

  1. Why, a very Merry Christmas from Tenina then….you sure are having fun in the kitchen…hope you got my app to help make life a little easier!

  2. You are very busy! and very organised – well done you! I’ll come over for those mince pies – they sound awesome. I got my TM on Sunday and I am having fun – made the ricotta gnocchi for dinner the same night *grin*. I’m actually taking it over to Ros’ plae today so we can do end of year cupcakes for school!

    Hope you AJ cuts his teeth quick smart too.

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