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Grow eat make

Disarray February 2, 2012

Filed under: cookery,Life — urbanpermie @ 2:27 am
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No meal plan this week. I’ve kind of fallen in a bit of a heap since my stuff was stolen last week. Then our car died the next day so not a good week in all! I was meant to start the million kilo challenge but, to be honest, I haven’t done anything about it *shamefaced*. I could blame not having any money (or cards to access money even if I had any) to buy the new things on the grocery list or not having a car to go and do the shopping. In reality though I’m just feeling in a bit of a funk.

I had my Phoenix 2012 launch on Saturday and I think it was a success! Sold some cards and spruiked the new range and may even get some coffee & cards bookings too. By the way, see the linky to the right if you want to purchase anything. Free delivery in Perth and $2.00 delivery Australia wide! Plug plug plug. I decided to make cupcakes for the first ever time in my adult memory (I know, right?) and used this icing, which is from the 2009 Thermomix calender. Oh. My. God. This stuff is amazing! It’s so soft and shiny it has a shimmery sheen to it (go alliteration)! It would make a great icing for wedding cupcakes. As it is, I dyed it purple, covered them in rainbow choc chips and called them unicorn poo since they were so shimmery 🙂 The picture is of the last, munted looking one. They went so quickly (mostly scoffed by my other half…) that I didn’t take a photo of the good ones! I also made these crio bru brownies for the party. Mmmm. I’m such a crio bru convert since I tried it last week. So rich! Crio bru is to cocoa powder what real coffee is to instant coffee. And we don’t drink instant coffee in our house!

By some weird coincidence, we ended up with purple mashed potato this week almost the exact colour of the cupcakes. Who knew that steaming purple carrots in the varoma while making mash in the bowl makes purple mash? 🙂 Also tried the Aussie Meat Pie recipe from Meat on the Menu and was quite impressed, though I made it into a (purple) shepherd’s pie with the leftover potato.

I’m so excited to be going to Tenina’s For Food’s Sake book launch tonight since I was lucky enough to score a free ticket via Facebook. Weeee! I’ve been waiting with bated breath for this book to be published 😀 A bit of a social thermomix week really, since I’m toodling along to a friend’s demo party on Sunday. The best kind of socialising!