Home Grown

Grow eat make

Sun, Sun, Go Away… January 24, 2012

Filed under: Greenery — urbanpermie @ 5:24 am
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Perth is hitting a heatwave this week, with at least the next 7 days around 40 degrees. I’m resigning myself to the fact that my vege garden will die. This happens every summer at around this time and every year just *after* this time I vow to rig up some sort of removable shade that I can erect on the hottest of hot days to protect the plants. This year of course we have a baby taking up any second of spare time I have and outside gardening time has been devoted to keeping our new poo  factories, er, rabbits, happy and cool.

Poor things. Must be hard being so furry. Simon and Garfunkel live in a movable enclosure on our tiny square of front lawn in about 4 square metres, so they’ve got enough room to have a bounce around and eat the grass. We then harvest (i.e. rake!) up the poo every week and move the enclosure to give the grass time to recover. We’ve got a small rabbit hutch inside for really hot days, so they’re lounge room bunnies when it’s over about 30 degrees. On warm but bearable outside bunny days they get frozen water bottles to cuddle up to. It’s very cute. Squidlet loves them with all his heart and they at least let him pat them, unlike the cat. I’m “aging” the poo and hay in a compost bin so that I’m not putting fresh manure on the garden.

So, yes, garden is shrivelling in the heat but the bunnies are alive and well. It’s all about priorities when you’re time poor!